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Company Research

It’s Saturday afternoon, and here I am, nearly four hours deep into researching companies like ours. So far, I've only managed to fully analyze two companies. It’s frustrating. With each passing hour, I’m reminded just how slow and piecemeal this traditional research process can be.

I’m gearing up for a crucial meeting with our advisors next week, and I need to bring my A-game.

That’s when it hit me—why not use our own creation, KaibanJS, to streamline this?

It's the perfect scenario to "eat our own dog food" and really put our platform to the test. I can't believe I didn’t think of this sooner, sticking to the old, manual ways of doing things.

Manual research is not just time-consuming; it's overwhelming. It involves digging through disparate data sources, which often results in incomplete insights. Each hour spent manually correlating data is an hour not spent on strategic analysis or decision-making.

Business Analysis in Action

Traditional Approach Challenges

Conducting comprehensive company research typically includes several labor-intensive steps:

  1. Business Model Analysis: Analysts manually search for information regarding the company’s revenue sources and scalability.
  2. Funding Research: Gathering detailed data on a company’s funding rounds and investors requires access to financial databases and reports.
  3. Operational Insights: Understanding a company’s operational strategies involves deep dives into internal processes and infrastructure, often requiring firsthand interviews or extensive document reviews.
  4. Exit Strategy Exploration: Analyzing a company’s past exits and future plans necessitates historical data comparison and strategy evaluation.
  5. Market Position Assessment: Determining a company’s market segmentation and brand strength involves analyzing market data and competitor performance.
  6. Customer Acquisition Studies: Investigating effective customer acquisition channels and strategies requires data on marketing approaches and outcomes.

Note: This use case automates the collection and analysis of data across these areas to produce a cohesive and comprehensive view of the company, traditionally done through manual research.

The Agentic Solution

Imagine transforming this complex research process with KaibanJS automation:

  • Scenario: Conducting in-depth research on the company Vercel.

Before diving into the process, let’s meet the key Agents involved in transforming company research:


Business Model Analyst, Funding Specialist, Operations Analyst, Exit Strategy Advisor, Market Analyst, Acquisition Strategist, and Report Compiler: Each agent is equipped with specialized tools and goals, from analyzing business models to compiling comprehensive reports, ensuring that all aspects of company research are thoroughly covered.

Process Overview

With the agents introduced, here’s how they collaborate to deliver seamless and integrated company research:

  1. Business Model Analysis: The Business Model Analyst extracts key information about Vercel’s revenue streams and scalability potential.
  2. Funding Research: The Funding Specialist gathers detailed historical data on funding rounds and investor engagements.
  3. Operational Insights: The Operations Analyst reviews Vercel’s infrastructure and operational strategies for efficiency gains.
  4. Exit Strategy Exploration: The Exit Strategy Advisor examines past and potential future exits to outline strategic recommendations.
  5. Market Position Assessment: The Market Analyst assesses Vercel’s standing in the market against competitors and industry trends.
  6. Customer Acquisition Analysis: The Acquisition Strategist analyzes the effectiveness of various customer acquisition channels and strategies.
  7. Comprehensive Reporting: Finally, the Report Compiler synthesizes all gathered data into a detailed report that offers a panoramic view of Vercel’s business landscape.


The result is an exhaustive and meticulously prepared report that not only aggregates all pertinent data about Vercel but also provides actionable insights and strategic recommendations. This enhanced method of company research facilitates informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Try it Out in the Playground!

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Use Case - Company Research

By leveraging KaibanJS and its intelligent agents, businesses and analysts can revolutionize the way they conduct company research, achieving greater depth and breadth in their analyses with significantly reduced effort and increased accuracy.

Expected Benefits

  • Depth of Insight: Provides comprehensive analyses across multiple dimensions of a company’s operations.

  • Efficiency: Reduces the time and resources required to gather and analyze complex data.

  • Accuracy: Enhances the accuracy of business insights through systematic data collection and analysis.

  • Strategic Impact: Offers strategic recommendations based on thorough and integrated research findings.

Ready to revolutionize your company research processes? Dive deeper into KaibanJS and explore the endless possibilities it offers. For more information, check out our website and community.

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